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Foto: NatureEnergy
20 SEP

Bioøkonomi kan skabe bæredygtige forretningsmuligheder

Ny rapport: Teknologiske løsninger hjælper danske virksomheder til at forvandle biologiske affaldsprodukter til nye produkter inden for f.eks. fødevarer, energi og ingredienser...

Biotechnology Food and fisheries Energy and supply Environment and pollution
27 MAY

Well-documented path from farm to fork

A new project will develop technologies and methods that can both document a food product’s path from farm to fork and help prevent plagiarism. The National Food Institute...

Food and fisheries Food safety Food production
23 MAY

Veldokumenteret vej fra jord til bord

Nyt projekt skal udvikle teknologier og metoder, der kan dokumentere fødevarers vej fra jord til bord og samtidigt forhindre plagiering. Projektet ledes af DTU Fødevareinstituttet...

Food and fisheries Food production Food safety
Foto: Arla
01 JUN

DTU indgår aftale om strategisk partnerskab med Arla

DTU og Arla indgår samarbejdsaftale om forskning, uddannelse og innovation.

Biotechnology Food and fisheries IT and cyber security
03 MAY

Topmøde om de digitale teknologiers potentiale

DTU's High Tech Summit 2018 bliver mødt med stor interesse fra erhvervslivet som allerede har købt eller reserveret 60 ud af 70 stande.

IT and cyber security Biotechnology Health technology Food and fisheries
Illustration: Colourbox
03 MAY

Digitalization, health, food and biotech set the stage for High Tech Summit 2018

DTU’s High Tech Summit is attracting considerable interest from the business community who have already bought or booked 60 of the 70 stands.

IT and cyber security Biotechnology Health technology Food and fisheries
Photo: Hampus Berndtson
14 FEB

DTU Vet in new constellation

DTU has found a form which ensures continuation of the excellent research, the academic and scientific competence, the educational activities, and the emergency response...

Livestock diseases
Foto: Hampus Berndtson
13 FEB

DTU Veterinærinstituttet i ny konstellation

DTU har fundet en form, der sikrer den excellente forskning, den faglige kompetence, uddannelsesaktiviteterne og beredskabsopgaven frem til 2020 med færrest mulige afskedigelser...

Livestock diseases
09 OCT

The 2017 Nils Foss Excellence Prize for innovative food research goes to DTU

On 20 November 2017, the Nils Foss Excellence Prize will be awarded to an internationally recognized researcher for achievement within food science innovation and research...

Food and fisheries Statistics Mathematics IT and cyber security

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